Rediscovery – a strange choice of word given that this was very much unchartered territory for Jonny, having never conducted a task in such a new environment or conditions. However, this sense of “rediscovery” goes right to the heart of Jonny’s endeavour – this was never about the discovery of new physical, or worldly realms if you like, but the rediscovery of a state of mind he once thought was lost.
Those of you who meet Jonny must ask him about what happened on that hill on the fifth day of the race, for it is a story that eludes printing in full – and probably best it does! It is this moment on the hill, as Jonny climbed on, overtaking those who were at one point ahead of him, that rather defines the “rediscovery” he speaks of. A physical and at times explicit verbal challenge he issued to himself, the ability to beat himself up, talk himself down, belittle and overcome his own personality at the same time. It is this capacity to take himself to the edge, physically and mentally, to not only face the adverse camber of a physical obstacle but the explicit admonishment of his own thoughts, that separates Jonny Pain from the rest. Perhaps there really is no single word for this experience that can explain the inner fire you unearth when both body and mind have turned against you.
When we sat down to talk, this third word would escape Jonny for some time. And this is exactly it. As the man in the arena, only Jonny can know what it felt like to survive the fear on his first night, to come through the storm and cross the finish line. Only he can know what it felt like to rediscover a fire he once thought was lost. This is a mission of his own doing for his own cause, and it is almost futile to try and capture this in writing. We can follow it, like it, share it, write it and record it – but we will only ever be observers watching on. We are mere spectators of an “Endeavour Through Adversity” that is truly personal to Jonny Pain.